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Posts tagged ‘no go zones’

BLEEDING HEART JOURNALIST: Enters Muslim ‘NO GO’ Zone, Now Something Else Is Bleeding

waving flagWritten by Wes Walker on October 28, 2015

URL of the original posting site:

A few more stories like this one, and we can safely say  that Sweden will no longer be that poster child for why Socialism is the better way forward. Scratch that: actually, a few more stories like this one, and Sweden might no longer exist. It all started simply enough: with wrong-headed Progressive assumptions.cause of death

In this instance, some neighborhoods were chucking rocks at police. One journalist applied the modern journalistic methods to the situation: find out who wronged them so badly that they have taken to chucking rocks. Naturally, they must have a reason — right? It’s just a matter of hearing their side of the story.

That is the story for which Ms. Valentina Xhaferi went looking. She found it.

In the middle of one of Stockholm’s “no-go” zones, she found one resident willing to discuss that “other side of the story” on camera. They met in the agreed-on public space, and set up for filming.

A passer-by asked why they were filming, and was told. So he grabbed a few friends. And a few rocks. Things turned ugly pretty quickly. She wanted to get away. They hurled insults, splashed the cameraman with coffee, kicked over their equipment, which they caught on film.  She tried reason.  “It was impossible to calm them down. I pulled back and tried to calm down everyone, while trying to get my colleague and myself out of there.”

Then someone chucked a stone.

They finished the report a week later … this time with police escort.

In relating her story, she unwittingly identified what’s really happening here.  “They thought we crossed the limit and that we were standing on their land.”Picture3

RAPEUGEESNowhere in the story does it mention identifying characteristics of this “foreign born” community. But we are told that this particular “no-go” zone consists of upwards of 70% “foreign-born” residents. (Statistics tell us that some 40,000 people live within Tensta, a suburb of Stockholm.) Other zones actually boast nearly 100% foreign-born residents.

It wasn’t hard to find which reports she was seeking the “other side”. Police claims that lone squad cars won’t even pursue criminals into certain neighborhoods. Swedish law simply doesn’t apply there. Shariah is enforced, instead.

There are, police estimate, 55 “no-go” zones in Sweden. They are by no means the only European country that has them. And remember: that was before the wave of humanity began spilling into Europe.

Is it genuinely “compassionate” to have areas of a city where the rule of law is not enforced, and not enforceable? And to whom are the adjudicators of Sharia, themselves, accountable?OH HELL NO

It’s time we stop wringing our hands about Islamophobia, and start addressing the real Xenophobia that’s making these supposed “no-go” neighborhoods unsafe for locally-born “outsiders”.

Islam is NOT America are you really paying attention Die Picture1 In God We Trust freedom combo 2

Arabic Streets Signs In American City Indicates Islamic Takeover

waving flagPosted by Dave Jolly

URL of the Original Posting Site: America

dearborn-michigan-highest-concentrationHow would you feel if you drove into a town here in the United States and found that many of the street signs were in Arabic only with no English wording? Then you look around and discover that many of the signs on businesses were also in Arabic. Not possible you say? Think again! Welcome to Dearborn, Michigan.

Imperial Islamic President ObamaSteve Tarani, author and speaker recounts what he saw when he rode with a member of the Detroit Metro SWAT Police as they drove around Detroit and into Dearborn:

“The street signs suddenly went from English to Arabic. There wasn’t a single English word on any shop or any street sign. And in fact, these little yellow signs were posted all along the edges. Jeremy said to me, ‘this is it. We don’t go past this line.’ And I said to Jeremy, ‘what do you mean? You guys are Detroit Metro. You’re the SWAT team. You can go anywhere you want. What if you get a call over there?’ He said ‘this is it, it’s hazardous for our team if we go past this line.’”

“I have seen it with my own eyes, witnessed it in the backseat of a car and it is for real. No-go zones exist in the United States.”

“Dearborn, Michigan is not the only place that these settlements exist. They are spread out over the country in various cities. There’s an estimate of over 5,000 known terrorist cells in the United States. However our most persistent and significant threat, right now, to us here today this morning, is the homegrown violent extremists.”

Some people try to discount Tarani’s account but I’ve seen too many reports that have come out of Dearborn that would tend to support his account of the Muslim takeover of the American city. Christians have been only attacked by Muslims without prosecution. They’ve also been told to stay away from the city’s Islamic festival and even banned from talking to people on the public streets outside the festival.

The Muslim influence is so strong in Dearborn that the high schools hold girls only proms because Muslim girls are not allowed to socialize or dance with boys. These proms are religious based and no one has said anything about a violation of church and state or tried to stop them. Christian students are banned from having Christmas parties, prayer meetings or Baccalaureate services, but Muslims are allowed to pray in school and hold Islamic proms. You have to ask why organizations like the ACLU, American Atheists, Freedom From Religion Foundation and Americans United for Separation of Church and State remain silent about what is happening in Dearborn schools.


Murfreesboro, Tennessee is fast becoming a second Muslim controlled city like Dearborn and there are others on the way. I have friends in the United Kingdom who have told me of how Muslims have taken over entire cities and areas in their country. What they tell me is that it all started with cities like Dearborn and Murfreesboro and just continues to spread. One of my friends compared Islam in England to a cancer that continues to spread and contaminate everything it encounters. In time it will spread to the point that the country dies from it and becomes the home of a religion that teaches hate, bloodshed and sharia law. Like a cancer, the only way to save the nation is to stop the spread of the religion of terrorism. Then he told me that in our modern sophisticated world full of freedoms and rights that it’s impossible to stop the spread of Islam without igniting a worldwide religious war.

muslim-obamaNow realize that Barack Hussein Obama has been actively inviting Muslims to come to the US. He is also advocating opening our doors to up to 7 million Syrian Muslim refugees and there is no telling how many terrorists ware hiding among those 7 million. That would be like trying to cure a patient by injecting him with massive doses of cancer cells.

I have to honestly say that the future of America is not looking very bright and to be honest, I don’t know what to do to change it other than make others aware of it and encourage everyone to get on their knees and pray for the Christian revival of America.





Islam experts: No-go zones looming for America


Posted By Bob Unruh On 01/22/2015

Article Reblogged from WND:

URL of the Original Posting Site:

The “no-go zones” in some Western nations, where law enforcement has lost control because of the influence of Islamic law, are coming to America. That’s according to several Islam experts interviewed by WND who believe the kind of Muslim enclaves that have developed in Europe due to a lack of assimilation will eventually arise in the U.S. as the Muslim population grows. The contention that “no-go” zones exist is controversial, as evidenced by the widespread ridicule that arose when an analyst said in a Fox News interview shortly after the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack in Paris that the major English city of Birmingham was a “no-go” zone itself. The analyst apologized, but only for exaggerating his point, not for asserting “no-go” zones exist.Obama Muslim collection

As WND reported, the government of France has identified 751 Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones, that the state does not fully control, citing Middle East foreign policy expert Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum.com02

The zones are enclaves where Muslim immigrants have chosen not to assimilate, and law enforcement has lost some degree of control.

Republican Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal recently told Fox News interviewer Neil Cavuto that the zones are inevitable in America if the country doesn’t insist that immigrant Muslims assimilate. He said Islamists are setting up their own culture within the United States “to overturn our culture.”

“We need to recognize that threat,” he insisted.

He said there are neighborhoods that could be defined as a no-go zone.

“You can call them whatever term you want, but absolutely there are neighborhoods, we have communities of people that don’t want to integrate or assimilate,” he said.

See the interview: vidNOGO

Islam analyst and expert Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch told WND the zones “aren’t here.”

“But they’re coming as the Muslim population grows,” he warned. “We already see areas such as Dearborn, Michigan: It isn’t a no-go zone — police don’t fear to enter there and non-Muslims aren’t menaced for non-adherence to Shariah norms — but police did the bidding of the Muslim community a couple of years ago and arrested some Christian missionaries solely for the crime of preaching to Muslims. A Shariah crime, not a crime according to any U.S. law.”com03

David Yerushalmi of the American Freedom Law Center, which has fought legal battles over the Dearborn disputes, said there aren’t any no-go zones in American right now, but Dearborn comes close. There, evangelical Christians were attacked with rocks and bottles by a Muslim crowd for talking about their faith on public property during an annual Arab festival. When police arrived, they ordered the Christians to leave or face arrest. Several legal cases over the incident have been resolved in favor of the Christians, but a major one, handled by AFLC, is still under way. It has been granted the highly unusual step of a hearing before a full federal appeals court, which previously denied the Christians’ claims.

Yerushalmi said there have been times when first responders have declined to go into certain riot areas for a time because it “would incite the crowd to more violence.”

He said there aren’t the numbers of Muslims in the U.S. population at the moment to form such no-go-zones.

“However, you have demographics which are changing,” he warned.

Islam analyst Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs not only believes the zones are coming, she’s already prepared a strategy to fight them.

“There aren’t large-scale no-go zones here as there are in Europe, but they are coming, because Islam by its very nature is against assimilation into a kaffir (non-Muslim) society. It is supremacist at its core – Islam must dominate and not be dominated,” she told WND.ISIS Beraking the American Cross muslim islamist mafia No Longer IF noislam-300x250

“So while Muslims have assimilated here to a greater degree than they have in Europe, there are growing Muslim areas in some cities (Dearborn, Newark, etc.) and these will continue to grow. Then there are rural Muslim camps where firearms training and other alarming things have been reported,” she said.

She asserted the U.S. should end immigration from Muslim countries.

Geller argued “there is no reliable way to tell a jihadist or jihadi sympathizer from a ‘moderate.’”

She called on Muslim groups in the U.S. “to renounce the aspects of Islam that contradict constitutional freedoms, or face sedition charges if they try to advance those elements.” Geller said that when the U.S. Muslim population “grows to the levels we see in European countries, we will face exactly the same thing that Europe is experiencing now.”Wake up America

Her 18 points to address the problem include:

  • Profiling of Muslims at airports and in hiring in professions in which national security and public safety could be compromised.
  • Investigating foreign funding for mosques in the U.S.
  • Watching for mosques where violence is advocated.
  • Including an accurate depiction of Islam and its violent doctrines in school textbooks.
  • Stopping foreign aid for countries using Shariah, or Islamic law.
  • Denying citizenship to those who support Shariah.

Onetime Muslim terrorist Walid Shoebat has posted a piece online by Keith Davies explaining that no-go zones in the U.K. are areas where even serious crimes are not reported, because they are handled by Shariah rather than British law enforcement.

“Numerous murders and rapes are not reported in these no-go zones because of local justice systems,” he wrote.

WND reported last year that President Obama had thanked Muslims for “building the very fabric of our nation” and claiming they were in part responsible for “the core of our democracy.” But his comments didn’t align with statements from some of the Founders. For example, in 1801, President Jefferson sent the Navy to the Barbary Coast to stop Islamic pirates’ reign of terror on U.S. merchant ships. Jefferson read the Quran to understand what was motivating the pirates, and he learned that the Muslim holy book commanded the faithful to “plunder and enslave” non-Muslims.

In 1814, after Tripoli broke its truce and began attacking U.S. ships again, former President John Adams wrote Jefferson a letter advising that Islam’s founder was “a military fanatic.” In another writing, he condemned Islamic law as “contemptible.” His son and future president, John Quincy Adams, went further, arguing that the essence of Islam is “violence and lust: to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature.” He suggested the Quran’s commands to fight and conquer other lands “in the cause of Allah” were at odds with democracy, peace and the Judeo-Christian ethic on which America was founded.

“The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Muhammad is the prophet of God,” he added. “The vanquished may purchase their lives by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Muslim creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike by fraud or by force.”

Amid the controversy over the recent Islamic terrorism in Paris, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said she may sue Fox News for its references to no-go zones in the city. Pipes said that as far back as 2006 that France’s Sensitive Urban Zones ranged from two zones in the medieval town of Carcassonne to 12 in the heavily Muslim city of Marseilles. Most towns and cities have at least one, he said. Pipes regularly has updated a 2006 post citing references by politicians, civil leaders and journalists to “no-go zones” in Britain, Germany and Sweden, as well as France.

Soeren Kern, senior fellow of the Gatestone Institute, wrote in 2011, “Islamic extremists are stepping up the creation of ‘no-go’ areas in European cities.”

“Many of the ‘no-go’ zones function as microstates governed by Islamic Shariah law,” he wrote. “Host-country authorities effectively have lost control in these areas and in many instances are unable to provide even basic public aid such as police, fire fighting and ambulance services.”Wake up America

And Spencer noted that in 2002, the New York Times’ David Ignatius wrote of France that “Arab gangs regularly vandalize synagogues here, the North African suburbs have become no-go zones at night, and the French continue to shrug their shoulders.”

Jindal also referenced the zones in a speech in London last weekend. He said in his prepared remarks that “in the West, non-assimilationist Muslims establish enclaves and carry out as much of Shariah law as they can without regard for the laws of the democratic countries which provided them a new home.”

“It is startling to think that any country would allow, even unofficially, for a so-called ‘no-go zone,’” Jindal said. “The idea that a free country would allow for specific areas of its country to operate in an autonomous way that is not free and is in direct opposition to its laws is hard to fathom.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Washington, a “civil rights” group founded as a front by the Muslim Brotherhood, according to the FBI, expressed disappointment in what it called “Muslim bashing.”

Freedom with Prayer

VIDEO: Terrorist Training ‘No Go Zones’ Now In U.S. – Where are they? – UPDATED

January 16, 2015 By

of the Original Posting Site:

Islamic ‘No Go’ Terrorist Training Zones are not just in Europe…now they’re in America too!

No go zone in US
Radicals Muslim Terrorist Training Enclaves Spread Across The U.S.A.


Watch footage taken inside Islamic Terrorist Training camps in the U.S. where young Jihadists are taught how to kill guards, kidnap Christians, and strangle the infidel. Muslim enclaves that are hostile to surrounding communities are springing up across America. Funded by Pakistani radicals, 22 villages in 9 states have already been established that are teaching terrorist tactics to members of their compounds. Find out where they are.

VIDEO: Inside Closed Muslim Terrorist Training Camps in America. Watch and be warned!’+document.title.toString()+’&d=’+((document.getElementsByName(‘ );</script>”>vidfox

Wake up America

Report: Obama’s Terror Cells In The U.S.

Report: Obama’s Terror Cells In The U.S.
Most of the compounds are near strategic locations within the U.S.

by Joe Biggs | | January 16, 2015

URL of the Original Posting Site:

Attorney General Eric Holder was in Paris for a terrorism summit with French President Hollande, but darted out just before World leaders historically convened to pay their respects to the fallen Charlie Hebdo cartoonists.

Holder then went on a media blitz claiming that there is no credible threat to Americans.

It makes the average American wonder what the Obama Administration is hiding when anyone can go online and discover the clear and present danger of decades-old State Department documents revealing what has been lurking within at least 22 states.

The main compound near the town of Hancock in upstate New York, known as Holy Islamberg, was founded in 1980 by Gilani as a religious sanctuary for devout Muslims.

This land is located near the reservoir that supplies most of New York City’s drinking water.

In fact, most of the compounds are near strategic locations within the United States designed to affect a mass population event at anytime.

The FBI’s own documents define the Muslims Of America as an autonomous organization which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and with in the U.S..Wake up America





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