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Posts tagged ‘charges’

Comer, Jordan Threaten Hunter Biden With Contempt of Congress

By Charlie McCarthy    |   Wednesday, 06 December 2023 02:14 PM EST


House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, on Wednesday threatened Hunter Biden with contempt of Congress charges if he fails to appear for a Dec. 13 deposition before the oversight panel. Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, earlier in the day sent Comer a letter to reiterate that Hunter Biden is willing to testify before the House panel in a public hearing, but not for a deposition.

Lowell said Hunter Biden was “making the choice [to appear publicly] because the Committee has demonstrated time and again it uses closed-door sessions to manipulate, even distort, the facts and misinform the American public — a hearing would ensure transparency and truth in these proceedings.”

The House Oversight account on X, formerly known as Twitter, then responded with a copy of Comer’s letter.

“Contrary to the assertions in your letter, there is no ‘choice’ for Mr. Biden to make; the subpoenas compel him to appear for a deposition on December 13,” Comer wrote to Lowell.

“If Mr. Biden does not appear for his deposition on December 13, 2023, the Committee will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings.”

Comer subpoenaed Hunter Biden early last month.

Last week, Hunter Biden offered to testify publicly as Republicans investigate his foreign business dealings as they pursue an impeachment inquiry into his father, President Joe Biden. Comer, on X, then accused Hunter Biden of “trying to play by his own rules instead of following the rules required of everyone else.”

House Republicans have not initiated contempt proceedings against anyone this year. They threatened both Secretary of State Antony Blinken and FBI Director Christopher Wray with charges after unsuccessful attempts to obtain certain documents from them, the Washington Examiner reported. Blinken and Wray averted contempt votes by reaching 11th-hour agreements with Republicans.

If the full House votes to hold someone in contempt, it is referred to the Department of Justice, which then has discretion over whether it wants to begin criminal proceedings against the person. There have been contempt votes since 2008, with the DOJ pursuing indictments against Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon, both aides to then-President Donald Trump.

Charlie McCarthy |

Charlie McCarthy, a writer/editor at Newsmax, has nearly 40 years of experience covering news, sports, and politics.

Giuliani Turns Himself in on Ga. Charges; Bond Set at $150,000

Wednesday, 23 August 2023 03:33 PM EDT


Rudy Giuliani surrendered to authorities in Georgia on Wednesday on charges alleging he acted as former President Donald Trump’s chief co-conspirator in a plot to subvert the 2020 election. The former New York City mayor, celebrated as “America’s mayor” for his leadership after 9/11, is charged with Trump and 17 other people under Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. His bond has been set at $150,000, second only to Trump’.s $200,000.

Jail records showed he was booked Wednesday afternoon.

Giuliani, 79, is accused of spearheading Trump’s efforts to compel state lawmakers in Georgia and other closely contested states to ignore the will of voters and illegally appoint Electoral College electors favorable to Trump. Georgia was one of several key states Trump lost by slim margins, prompting the Republican and his allies to proclaim, without evidence, that the election was rigged in favor of his Democratic rival Joe Biden. Giuliani is charged with making false statements and soliciting false testimony, conspiring to create phony paperwork, and asking state lawmakers to violate their oath of office to appoint an alternate slate of pro-Trump electors.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has said that, if convicted, Giuliani will be sentenced to prison.

Giuliani has denied wrongdoing, arguing he had a right to raise questions about what he believed to be election fraud. He has called the indictment “an affront to American democracy” and an “out and out assault on the First Amendment.”

“I’m feeling very, very good about it because I feel like I am defending the rights of all Americans, as I did so many times as a United States attorney,” Giuliani told reporters as he left his apartment in New York on Wednesday, adding that he is “fighting for justice” and has been since he first started representing Trump.

Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

Dick Morris to Newsmax: DOJ Double Standard ‘Unbelievable’

By Solange Reyner    |   Wednesday, 19 July 2023 03:07 PM EDT


The double standard in the Department of Justice’s handling of cases against former President Donald Trump and Hunter Biden is “unbelievable,” political consultant Dick Morris said on Newsmax.

“They blocked the IRS agents from interviewing Hunter, they leaked the time and the place of the search … so they could make sure everything was nice and neat for them and it’s just outrageous what’s going on,” Morris said Wednesday during an appearance on “John Bachman Now” ahead of IRS whistleblower testimony before the House Oversight Committee about alleged meddling in the DOJ probe of Biden.

“But there’s a larger point that I want to focus on with you,” Morris added. “This new indictment of Trump, if it comes through, is totally different from the others because it accuses him essentially of waging an insurrection against the government and it characterizes Trump’s objections to the 2020 election as acts of sedition and that’s clearly an attempt to invoke the 14th amendment that says that if anybody was in sedition or rebellion of the U.S. government they can’t hold public office and that’s clearly what they’re trying to do.

“And if he’s found guilty of this by a D.C. grand jury, which would be of course all Democrats, he literally could be barred from appearing on the ballot and you may find Democratic secretaries of state around the country who refuse to put them on the ballot.

“So, this is a direct assault on our right to choose the next president and I believe what we need to do is that Congress needs to say they will not vote any more money, the house, for the government, they will close it down if they have to rather than let the Justice Department proceed.

“I think they should demand that the administration and the DOJ announce they will not go against any person who is a candidate for president during the campaign. He can do it afterwards but during the campaign, it’s clear election interference.”

Trump on Tuesday said he received a letter informing that he is the target of the DOJ’s probe into efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, an indication he could soon be charged by U.S. prosecutors.

New federal charges, on top of existing state and federal counts in New York and Florida and a separate election-interference investigation nearing conclusion in Georgia, would add to the list of legal problems for Trump as he pursues the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

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