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Posts tagged ‘Biden gaffes’

Watch: Biden Goes on National TV, Knowingly Tells Massive Lie About His Past

Posted By C. Douglas Golden  October 19, 2021


President Joe Biden’s support in the black community is one of the most inexplicable phenomena of modern politics. Despite several racial gaffes during the 2020 primaries — like talking about his work with Dixiecrat segregationists on racial busing as evidence of “civility” in Washington or telling a crowd in Iowa that “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids” — it was black support in the South Carolina primary that saved his campaign after a series of botched debates and poor showings in the first three primaries and caucuses in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada.

While it could be argued that the only other viable Democrat candidate after the first three contests, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, never gelled with black voters (or anyone outside of his white progressive base, for that matter), black support propelled Biden to the nomination. Many pundits felt black turnout for Biden — particularly in Georgia — helped Biden take the presidency.

What fueled the loyalty? Was it the fact Biden is seen as being close to former President Barack Obama, having served as his vice president? Was it the connections he’s made with black leaders during nearly a half-century in Washington politics? Was it the time he went on the New York City-based radio program “The Breakfast Club” and told listeners that “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black?”

Or is it the fact he keeps lying to black America about what he’s done for racial justice?

Case in point: On Monday, Biden addressed the 2021 State and National Teachers of the Year event at the White House. These are the kinds of national TV speeches that should easily pass without incident. As far as the White House and Biden supporters are concerned, the best news that can come out of these affairs is if no news comes out of them. We’re talking about it, however, so guess how that went?

According to a White House transcript, the president began getting himself in trouble when he told the long-winded tale of how he first got elected to the Senate in Delaware even though the seat was considered “to be a lead-pipe cinch” for the Republicans.

If you’re familiar with Biden’s backstory, that part’s actually kind of true. We have an improbable Democratic upset during a 1972 Republican landslide to thank, in part, for the fact we now have a president who, if his handlers weren’t there to direct him to Air Force One, would spend the afternoon wandering around Joint Base Andrews looking for the Braniff International check-in counter.

The rest of the rambling story would probably be marked on Wikipedia as [citation needed]. It involves attending an off-year state party convention and having a bunch of Democrat bigwigs bust into his room while he was “in a towel with shaving cream on my face,” saying he should run for the seat that was supposed to be a GOP lock.

After leaving the convention, Biden said, he went and saw an old professor at the University of Delaware, a Dr. Ingersoll, who paraphrased Plato to him: “The penalty good people pay for not being involved in politics is being governed by people worse than themselves.”

There are so many jokes one could make about that statement, particularly when we look at who’s governing us from the White House. The important part, however, was the lie Biden was about to tell:

“And he looked at me, and he said, ‘Joe, you should run.’  I said, ‘But I — I feel strongly about all of these issues, but I…’  I had gotten involved in the civil rights movement and the wa- — but I —

“He said, ‘Joe, you should do it,’” Biden continued. “He had enough confidence in me that he gave me confidence in myself. With a kid with no money, coming from a middle-class family, who grew up in grade school stuttering, literally — for me, I’m confident I would have never done it were it not for Dr. Ingersoll.”

Maybe if Dr. Ingersoll knew Biden was lying about being involved in the civil rights movement, this could have worked out differently.

Joe Biden was never involved in the civil rights movement in any meaningful sense. He’s admitted as much in his own words, when he wasn’t trying to exaggerate his own importance. He was “concerned,” he said, but was not an “activist.”

By that standard, football fans who watch every Sunday from their couch or a stool at the local bar are more “involved” in the NFL than Biden was in the civil rights movement. (They’re not just “concerned.” They’re screaming.)

And we know this would get a “pants on fire” fact-check rating because he’s been caught lying about his involvement in the civil rights movement before and had to walk it back.

And then he started spouting the same lies again:

The first spurious claims came during his abortive 1988 presidential run, which eventually died after he was caught plagiarizing a speech. However, claims he made about his involvement in marching and protesting for civil rights also came under scrutiny.

As The Intercept pointed out, his rhetoric changed considerably over the course of 1987.

In February: “When I was 17 years old, like many of you, I participated in sit-ins to desegregate the restaurants and movie houses of Wilmington, Delaware.”

In April: “I came out of the civil rights movement … I was one of those guys that sat in and marched and all that stuff.”

In September: “During the 1960s, I was in fact very concerned about the civil rights movement,” Biden said. “I was not an activist. I worked at an all-black swimming pool in the east side of Wilmington, Delaware. I was involved in what they were thinking, what they were feeling. I was involved, but I was not out marching. I was not down in Selma, I was not anywhere else. I was a suburbanite kid who got a dose of exposure to what was happening to black Americans in my own city.”

What’s more, this pattern continued during the Obama years. As The Intercept reported, Biden would frequently spend his time as vice president citing his attempts to desegregate Delaware movie theaters despite inconsistencies in his stories and almost no evidence he was seriously involved. And this isn’t even counting his biggest race-related whopper — technically not related to the American civil rights movement but still worth noting.

In February of 2020, Biden claimed apartheid-era South African police arrested him as he was trying to visit Nelson Mandela, saying “I had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see him on Robbens Island.”

Soweto is a township in Johannesburg, hundreds of miles away from Robben Island, the prison off of Cape Town where Mandela was being held. Biden would later try to explain this away by saying he was “stopped” and could not “move where I wanted to go,” not that he was actually arrested. As for being hundreds of miles away from Mandela, he didn’t explain that part — nor was he asked to.

In short, Biden has lied and continues to lie about what he’s done for civil rights and racial justice. He gets called on it occasionally — but is rarely taken to task in any serious manner for inflating his civil rights resumé. And yet, in 2020, a man who blatantly and repeatedly lied to the black community about his commitment to their cause got their overwhelming support.

Sure, Bernie Sanders was and is no great shakes. At least he never claimed he got arrested in Toronto trying to bail Martin Luther King Jr. out of a Birmingham, Alabama jail.

C. Douglas Golden, Contributor

C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he’s written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.@CillianZealFacebook

Brett Davis Op-ed: Watch: Biden Sounds Like Bumbling Fool in Front of UN, Embarrasses US on World Stage

Commentary By Brett Davis  September 21, 2021


President Joe Biden, addressing the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday for the first time since taking up residence in the White House, did what he does best. He embarrassed his country with a foreign policy speech that was detached from reality, full of straw men and false dichotomies, rambling and incoherent at times and — c’mon, man — punctuated by avuncular exasperation and fake bravado.

The 23-second video below captures the tone of Tuesday’s oration before the global body.

Biden, spinning like a centrifuge, stressed that the disastrous removal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan will open “a new era of relentless diplomacy.”

“Instead of continuing to fight the wars of the past,” Biden said, “we are fixing our eyes on devoting our resources to the challenges that hold the keys to our collective future: Ending this pandemic, addressing the climate crisis, managing shifts in global power dynamics, shaping the rules of the world on vital issues like trade, cyber and emerging technologies, and facing the threat of terrorism as it stands today.”

Taking on those problems requires foreign governments to “engage deeply with the rest of the world” and “work together with our partners toward a shared future,” Biden said, according to a White House copy of the speech.

Biden’s flowery verbiage is misplaced, belied by the reality of recent events.

American allies remain frustrated with Biden’s handling — mishandling — of last month’s chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal, including the Pentagon’s acknowledgment that a Kabul drone strike that was touted as “righteous” by Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had, in fact, killed 10 civilians, including seven children.

Americans remain trapped in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, even as the Taliban tighten their bloody grip on the country by sweeping away what little opposition remains and killing anyone in-country who worked with the United States and its allies over the past two decades.

More recently, the Biden administration has found itself grappling with an angry French government still smarting over a new trilateral security pact with the United Kingdom and Australia, which saw Canberra reverse course on a multibillion-dollar deal it had brokered with Paris.

Nevertheless, Biden defended his administration’s international engagement over the past eight months. He argued he had “prioritized rebuilding our alliances, revitalizing our partnerships and recognizing they’re essential and central to America’s enduring security and prosperity.”

Biden’s take on other flashpoints around the world evidenced a similar naivete and refusal to acknowledge reality, including returning to the useless Iran nuclear deal (officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) and putting the North Korean nuclear genie back in the bottle.

“The United States will remain committed to preventing Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon. We are working with the P5 plus one to engage Iran diplomatically and to seek a return to the JCPOA,” Biden said, referring to the five members of the U.N. Security Council, plus Germany.

“We’re prepared to return to full compliance if Iran does the same. Similarly, we seek serious and sustained diplomacy to pursue the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”

Likewise, Biden reiterated his commitment to the pipe dream of a two-state solution regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“The commitment of the United States to Israel’s security is without question, and our support for an independent Jewish state is unequivocal,” Biden said.

“But I continue to believe that a two-state solution is the best way to ensure Israel’s future as a Jewish democratic state living in peace alongside a viable sovereign and democratic Palestinian state.”

One glaring omission from the speech was any mention at all of China — the top international rival of the United States and, more importantly, the source of a pandemic that has killed more than 4 million citizens of the countries the United Nations delegates represent. Maybe even Biden’s speechwriters couldn’t find a way to spin a China reference in anything like a positive direction.

Biden’s weakness on the world stage is in sharp contrast to President Donald Trump’s more muscular approach to foreign policy, including a deal negotiated with the Taliban that resulted in no U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan for 18 months, withdrawing from the JCPOA while making Iran a pariah in its own Middle East neighborhood, easing tensions with North Korea, and ignoring the Palestinian Authority to facilitate the Abraham Accords between Israel and its Arab neighbors.

That’s what effective leadership looks like. Biden’s appearance at the U.N. on Tuesday — a bumbling fool with a fool’s record of failure — was exactly the opposite.

Brett Davis, Contributor,

Brett Davis, who earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Western Washington University, has written for newspapers, public policy organizations, a major humanitarian institution and a software company. Brett lives in Federal Way, Washington, just south of Seattle.


Jacob Gurney Op-ed: Biden Head Scratcher: By 2020, We Will Make Sure All Our Electricity Is Zero Emissions

Commentary by By Jacob Gurney  September 7, 2021


President Joe Biden added yet another blunder to his ever-growing list on Tuesday. The president was giving a speech about his administration’s response to Hurricane Ida on Tuesday when he made the questionable remarks. As expected, Biden made numerous other head-scratching statements throughout the briefing. Also as expected, and per the Democrats’ playbook, he had to infuse apocalyptic, climate-change fearmongering into the mix. His biggest problem was that some of his remarks did not quite line up with reality.

“We are determined, we are determined that we are going to deal with climate change and, and have zero emissions, net emissions by 2050. By 2020, make sure all our electricity is zero emissions. We’re going to be able to do these things but we’ve got to move. We’ve got to move. And we’ve got to move the rest of the world. It is not just the United States of America,” Biden said in the speech.

2020? OK.

This might not seem like a big deal. People often confuse what year it is for a period of time after the new year. That is not uncommon. Additionally, some people may be forgiving of the president’s remarks considering his age and all that has happened recently. These are all valid points.

However, it is now September, well into 2021. Not only that, but the president did not correct his mistake at all, or even seem to notice it, though he corrected some of his other slip-ups. It does not seem to register with him what he said or that what he said was incorrect.

Even Sen. Chuck Schumer appeared to note Biden’s flub.

It was just one more thing that Americans can wonder about concerning the president’s mental faculties. While the president did not correct himself during the speech, the official transcript of the speech released by the White House corrected these remarks to show the president meant to say “2050” where he stated 2020. Convenient — but it at least clarified what he supposedly meant.

As the video showed, Biden struggled with his following remarks as well, though he at least (unsuccessfully) tried to fix what he said in this instance.

“And so, folks, this summer alone, communities with over 100 million Americans, a hundred American, Americans call home, have been struck by extreme weather,” Biden said.

It appeared that the president attempted to reference the number of Americans effected negatively by weather events.

It is not unlike Biden to get his facts or words mixed up. He is known as a human gaffe machine. But the fact it did not even seem to register with him how wrong 2020 was, is really astounding. Nevertheless, with questions about the president’s mental state appearing sometimes even in the establishment media now, having him not blink an eye as he says we will reach a goal by last year is simply not a good look for Biden.

Americans are only going to keep questioning the president’s cognitive awareness and capabilities as a result.

Jacob Gurney

Jacob Gurney was a Western Journal contributor who started his writing career at his local daily newspaper. He has also written for various online media websites covering politics, sports and video games.


Today’s Politically INCORRECT Cartoon by A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Long-Hauler

A.F. BRANCO on August 2, 2021 |

Biden delivers another lie his backer can’t defend, him saying he used to drive an 18 wheeler.

Biden 18 Wheeler Lie
Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2021.

Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 –  $5.00 –  $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 –  it all helps to fund this website and keep the cartoons coming. Also Venmo @AFBranco – THANK YOU!

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and shared by President Donald Trump.

White House Forced to Issue Clarification on Gesture Biden Made in Opening Seconds of Putin Meeting

Reported by Erin Coates | June 16, 2021


The White House quickly issued a clarification that President Joe Biden’s answer to a reporter’s question Wednesday in Geneva was not what it seemed. Prior to Biden’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Switzerland, the two leaders appeared together for a brief and chaotic photo opportunity, according to The Associated Press. When a reporter asked if Putin could be trusted, Biden appeared to nod in agreement.

“Inside, a pooler shouted Mr. President, do you trust Putin? Biden nodded yes up and down,” CBS News reporter Kathryn Watson tweeted, quoting the print pool. Political reporter Yamiche Alcindor added that it appeared that Biden “looked directly at the reporter and nodded affirmatively.”

The White House communications staff moved quickly to claim the president wasn’t answering the Putin question but was just giving “a general head nod in the direction of the media.”

“During a chaotic free for all with members of the press shouting questions over each other, the President gave a general head nod in the direction of the media,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told Alcindor.

“He wasn’t responding to any question or anything other than the chaos.”

White House Communications Director Kate Beddingfield offered a similar explanation, adding that two days ago Biden said “verify, then trust” in relation to Putin.

Biden has previously called Putin a “killer” and has claimed that as vice president a decade ago he looked into Putin’s eyes and told him he was missing a “soul.”

Journalists and security officers were shoving to get into the small room Wednesday, creating a bit of chaos prior to the meeting, according to the AP.


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