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Posts tagged ‘BIDEN BRIBERY’

Biden Can’t Be Trusted to Confront the Chinese Communists Who Pay His Family Millions



Biden and Xi raise a toast at luncheon at the White House

Author Shawn Fleetwood profile




President Joe Biden met Chinese dictator Xi Jinping for high-level talks in California on Wednesday, marking the first time the two leaders have spoken face-to-face in a year. While specific details of the conversation will assuredly remain under wraps, a White House readout of the discussion indicates that Biden and Xi covered a variety of hot-button issues, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Israel’s defense against Hamas terrorists in the Middle East, and Taiwan. The two leaders also agreed to revive communications between the U.S. and Chinese militaries.

Given Biden and his administration’s history of getting humiliated in talks with their Chinese counterparts, it wasn’t surprising that Wednesday’s meeting didn’t produce any headway on holding China accountable for its human rights violations, military aggression, or cover-up of Covid-19’s origins. But aside from Biden’s incompetence at juggling U.S. foreign policy, Wednesday’s U.S.-China talks raised a far more concerning question. How can Biden be trusted to manage U.S. relations with China when he and his family have received millions of dollars from Chinese entities connected to the Chinese Communist Party?

The Paper Trail

Despite Joe Biden claiming on national television that his son, Hunter, “has not made money” from Chinese entities, the New York Post published a bombshell story in the weeks leading up to the 2020 election, sourced to Hunter’s laptop, which called Biden’s assurances into question. Emails from the laptop showed Hunter had “pursued lucrative deals” with CEFC China Energy Co., a Chinese energy giant that operates as “an arm of the Chinese Government.”

As The Federalist’s Jordan Boyd reported, one email obtained by the Post showed Hunter describing a business transaction as “interesting for me and my family.” Another listed the younger Biden as “‘Chair / Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC’ with pay at ‘850’ and could offer monetary compensation for six people.”

“Those involved in the email from James Gilliar of the international consulting firm J2cR, including Hunter, were allegedly part of the four people who created a ‘provisional agreement’ to split 80 percent of the ‘equity’ of the company equally with ’10 for Jim’ and ’10 held by H for the big guy,’” Boyd wrote. While “Jim” is in reference to Joe’s older brother James Biden, a highly credible confidential human source has since corroborated that “big guy” was a moniker used to refer to Joe Biden.

Hunter’s dealings with CEFC often involved Ye Jianming, the since-arrested head of CEFC who has ties to China’s military. In early 2017, Hunter worked for Ye “as a counselor and adviser” and was later hired by CEFC in September 2017 to serve as defense counsel for Chinese businessman Patrick Ho, “despite his little experience in criminal defense.” Ho — who served as Ye’s “top lieutenant” and whom Hunter referred to as “the f-cking spy chief of China” — was arrested and later convicted by the Justice Department for bribing the presidents of several African countries.

Bank records obtained by Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley’s office indicate that Hunter was paid $1 million for representing Ho. According to Yahoo News, however, “it is not clear what work, if any, [Hunter] did for Ho,” with court records of Ho’s case “show[ing] no indication that Biden or his law firm at the time … participated in Ho’s legal defense.”

bevy of communication records released by the House Ways and Means Committee in September included a December 2018 WhatsApp text exchange between Hunter and Hallie Biden — who was the widow of Joe’s other son, Beau, and dated Hunter after Beau’s passing — lamenting Ho’s arrest and Ye’s disappearance. The records also showed how Hunter sold the Biden “brand” to overseas business associates to increase the family’s fortunes.

But as additional evidence released by House Republicans has shown, the Bidens’ financial connections with CEFC and its associates run deeper than previously known, and in several cases, further implicate Joe Biden. Despite the elder Biden repeatedly denying involvement in his family’s foreign business ventures, Hunter’s communication records indicate that Joe was keenly aware of his son’s overseas financial interests and served as a primary force behind the operation.

A series of July 2017 WhatsApp messages sent by Hunter to Chinese businessman Raymond Zhao show the younger Biden leveraging “his father’s name and threaten[ing] CEFC executives unless a lucrative deal was worked out with Ye.” In his messages, Hunter explicitly stated, “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled.” He further threatened to leverage “the man sitting next to me and every person he knows” to punish Zhao should he fail to follow through on the arrangement.

Within 10 days of that conversation, a CEFC subsidiary poured roughly $5 million into a Biden-linked bank account. Bank records recently obtained by House Republicans show that on the same day, Hunter “transferred $400,000 out of [that account] and into his corporation, Owasco P.C.,” before wiring $150,000 of these CEFC-tied funds to a company owned by James and his wife, Sara, who withdrew $50,000 from said company and deposited the money into their personal checking account. Less than a month later, on Sept. 3, 2017, Sara signed a $40,000 check to Joe, claiming it represented a “loan repayment.”

As noted by The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland, “the $40,000 Joe ‘the Big Guy’ Biden received was exactly 10 percent of the $400,000 Hunter Biden received from CEFC.”

Untrustworthy at Best

At a time when China is becoming increasingly aggressive towards the U.S. and its allies, Americans need leaders doing everything in their power to stand up for U.S. interests and limit threats to their security. But with Biden at the helm, that’s no longer a guarantee.

Lunch Bucket Joe and his family’s financial ties to individuals and entities connected to Beijing’s communist government make him a liability for the United States. Americans can’t — and shouldn’t — trust that Biden’s judgment over anything having to do with U.S.-China relations is fully within their best interests.

Shawn Fleetwood is a staff writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He previously served as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

House Launches Formal Impeachment Probe Into President Joe Biden’s Corrupt Family Influence-Peddling Business


SEPTEMBER 12, 2023


McCarthy announces launch of impeachment

‘These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction, and corruption, and they warrant further investigation by the House of Representatives,’ McCarthy said.

Author Shawn Fleetwood profile





House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced on Tuesday that the House of Representatives will be opening a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden to further investigate growing evidence and allegations surrounding the president’s family business dealings.

“These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction, and corruption, and they warrant further investigation by the House of Representatives,” McCarthy said during Tuesday’s press conference. “That’s why today, I’m directing our House committee[s] to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.”

In his remarks, McCarthy highlighted how House Republicans’ investigations into the Bidens’ business ventures revealed that Joe Biden lied when he claimed he had no knowledge of his son Hunter’s business deals. More specifically, McCarthy alluded to “eyewitnesses” to those dealings such as Mykola Zlochevsky, the head of Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company on whose board Hunter sat. According to intelligence obtained by Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, Zlochevsky has claimed to possess 17 audio recordings of conversations with the Bidens, two of which purportedly involve then-Vice President Joe Biden.

WhatsApp messages included in testimony by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley further indicate Joe’s involvement in Hunter’s business affairs. In one message allegedly sent to Chinese businessman Henry Zhao, Hunter threatened to use his father’s political power to extort unfulfilled “promises and assurances” from Zhao.

“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” the message reads. Hunter also purportedly indicated his “ability” to “forever hold a grudge that you will regret” with help from “the man sitting next to me and every person he knows” if Zhao did not meet his demands.

Hunter’s former business partner Devon Archer also testified to at least 24 times Joe spoke with his son’s business associates. Curiously, since these revelations became public, the White House has shifted its narrative from claiming Joe never “discussed” business dealings with Hunter to now claiming the president “has never been in business with his son.”

During Tuesday’s press conference, McCarthy also pointed to Joe’s use of his office to “coordinate with Hunter Biden’s business partners about Hunter’s role in Burisma.” An FD-1023 obtained by Grassley’s office containing intel from a “highly credible” confidential human source (CHS) offers further evidence the then-vice president was instrumental in the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma. It also contains allegations that the Bidens were paid $10 million for Joe’s role in firing the prosecutor.

[RELATED: Here Are All The People Who Have Corroborated Biden Family Corruption]

McCarthy also highlighted House Republicans’ discovery earlier this year that the Bidens were paid millions of dollars by foreign companies during and after Joe’s time in the Obama White House. As The Federalist’s Jordan Boyd previously reported, a review of bank records conducted by the House Oversight Committee “confirmed that at least nine Biden family members, including some children, received millions in diluted payments from foreign companies during and shortly after Joe’s vice presidency.”

McCarthy further emphasized the role the Department of Justice has played in protecting the Bidens from both criminal probes and congressional inquiries. According to testimony by IRS whistleblowers, federal prosecutors concealed critical documents from tax investigators probing Hunter Biden while officials from the Justice Department sought to undermine the IRS’s investigative efforts. One of the whistleblowers had previously alleged in May that his investigative team had been removed from the Biden tax probe at the behest of the DOJ.

In addition to its alleged interference in the IRS tax probe, the DOJ also sought to give legal immunity to Hunter regarding charges filed against him earlier this year. A Delaware judge ultimately exposed the agreement for what it was — a sweetheart deal designed to protect Hunter and, by default, Joe from future prosecution.

“The American people deserve to know that the public offices are not for sale, and that the federal government is not being used to cover up the actions of a politically associated family,” McCarthy said.

The impeachment inquiry will be led by Republican Reps. James Comer, Jim Jordan, and Jason Smith, according to McCarthy.

I want to go on the record in opposition to any impeachment proceedings. Since the President Clinton disaster, each Congress has had payback on their collective brains.

STOP IT! We have far more important issues to deal with. We have to stop this cycle of payback, or every administration will have to deal with this foolishness.

Shawn Fleetwood is a staff writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He previously served as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

The Biggest Threat To Democracy Is Media Hysterics About ‘Threats To Democracy’



RFK Jr. 'Threat to Democracy'

Author Evita Duffy-Alfonso profile




The corporate media has added a new face to their exhaustive list of “threats to Democracy.” “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a threat to your health — and our democracy,” reads the headline of a recent Los Angeles Times column. According to disgraced L.A. Times journalist Michael Hiltzik, there are many “dangers” posed by RFK Jr. conducting a lawful and democratic campaign for president. 

Hiltzik writes that Kennedy’s candidacy “will increase the political credibility of anti-vax claptrap,” and “could cut into the vote in 2024 for a responsible Democrat,” allowing “Trump or a Trump clone” to take office and deploy “thuggish attacks on diversity, inclusion and voting rights that have become the alpha and omega of GOP politics.”

Ah yes, curbing racist, culturally Marxist “diversity and inclusion” policies and enacting measures to protect the integrity of American elections is a serious threat to America. Do not be fooled. The media attacks on RFK Jr. have nothing to do with vaccine acceptance.

As I wrote Tuesday, asking questions, whether they be about vaccines or literally anything else, is a defining feature of a free society. RFK Jr. has every right to discuss vaccines, particularly when the medical establishment thinks they are above debate. 

However, Hiltzik and his colleagues in the propaganda press aren’t really afraid of vaccine “misinformation.” The corporate media is primarily drumming up hysteria around RFK Jr.’s appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast because, as Hiltzik wrote, they perceive him as a threat to Biden’s 2024 presidential bid. In other words, RFK Jr.’s legitimate presidential campaign is a “threat to democracy” because it could help the opposition party win the upcoming presidential election and, ironically, throttle Democrats’ plan to erode the liberties prescribed in the Constitution. 

The Media Is the Real Threat

Using the phrase “threat to democracy” as a way of protecting Democrats ahead of a presidential election is a media tradition at this point. Recall how the press promulgated the FBI-contrived Russia-collusion hoax, claiming former President Donald Trump was a “threat to democracy” in order to interfere in the 2016 election and discredit the Trump presidency after he was elected. Today, the media is still trying to thwart a Trump presidency by praising Biden for prosecuting his most probable 2024 opponent in, of course, the name of “democracy.”

[Watch: Democrats Conveniently Forget Their Party’s Long History Of Rejecting Election Results]

Ahead of the 2020 election, the media again interfered in a presidential election when they claimed Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation” and a “threat to democracy” The laptop contained damning evidence that Hunter was engaging in sketchy foreign business dealings and that his father, presumably referred to as “the big guy,” was part of it. 

Fast forward to today, congressional Republicans have uncovered significant evidence that then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hunter received multimillion-dollar payouts from a Ukrainian Burisma executive in exchange for influence over American foreign policy. If the allegations are true, they mean the sitting president of the United States sold out America and may still be compromised by foreign nationals. 

Yet the institution so preoccupied with preserving democracy has done nothing to cover the Biden bribery scandal. Instead, the media has been obsessing over the deeply flawed Trump indictment and parroting White House talking points that Hunter was “held accountable” this week after he was charged with tax and firearm offenses.

[Read: Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal Is A Coverup Disguised As Justice]

Hunter was not “held accountable.” He received an excessively lenient plea deal for crimes many Americans are thrown behind bars for committing. More importantly, none of the charges have anything to do with the bribery scandal — rather, they appear to be a transparent ploy by the Department of Justice to cosplay as fair actors and distract the American people from the real Biden crimes. 

The media could have done their job in 2020 and reported — or at the very least not lied about — the Hunter Biden laptop. Then maybe we wouldn’t have a president who appears to be compromised by foreign nationals and American adversaries. But the media didn’t want to report on it because they didn’t want Biden to lose in 2020. 

For the propaganda press, “democracy” no longer means a form of government. It means the suppression of anything that threatens the left’s agenda or their candidates. Just a few examples of what the media considered a “threat to democracy” include Trump, half of the U.S. population, Ron DeSantis, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, lawfully conducted elections, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, poll watchers, Elon Musk, parents at school board meetings, pro-lifers, our bicameral legislature, free speech, and democracy itself.

Supposed “threat to democracy” are used by the left to actively call for the censorship of those who are willing to speak the truth. The legacy press encouraged Big Tech to censor the New York Post when the Hunter Biden laptop scandal broke, and they encouraged Big Tech to censor Joe Rogan’s RFK Jr. podcast.

The media feel justified in launching full-on assaults against the First Amendment because they’re entitled, believing they should be the sole arbiters of truth. In order to maintain a monopoly on information, they call for the annihilation of smaller media outlets or even random social media users who dare challenge their carefully curated narratives — all in the name of protecting “democracy.”

Evita Duffy-Alfonso is a staff writer to The Federalist and the co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, and her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at

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