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Posts tagged ‘art’

The Spy Who Loved Me? Morris Reportedly Protected by CIA in Hunter Biden Investigation

Recently, it became public that Kevin Morris, the entertainment lawyer who has subsidized the expenses and bought the art of Hunter Biden, had stopped his funding of Biden. Morris has paid off Hunter’s IRS debts and reportedly lent him a total of $4.9 million for housing, car payments, legal fees, and other possible costs.

The so-called “sugar bro” is “tapped out” according to media reports.  (For full disclosure, Morris previously threatened me with a defamation lawsuit over my writing about his representation of Hunter). Now the House has confirmed prior stories that whistleblower records indicate that the CIA prevented the Justice Department from questioning Kevin Morris as a witness in its probe of Hunter Biden.

Morris has maintained that he lent Hunter millions for “no ulterior motive” and continued to support him out of friendship. Yet, when investigators started to look into the payments and the relationship, they were told that Morris had some relationship with the CIA in August 2021. According to previously unreleased information, IRS special agent and current whistleblower Gary Shapley documented the bizarre intervention of the spy agency.

In a sworn affidavit in May, Shapley declared:

During a recurring prosecution team conference call, in or around late August 2021, Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Lesley Wolf told the team that she and DOJ Tax Attorney Jack Morgan had recently returned from the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where they had been summoned to discuss Kevin Morris.

AUSA Wolf stated that they were provided a classified briefing in relation to Mr. Morris and as a result we could no longer pursue him as a witness. Investigators probed AUSA Wolf, but since her briefing was classified and she was apparently sanitizing it to an unclassified form to share over an open phone line, she did not elaborate with more information. She reiterated more than once that they were summoned to the CIA in Langley concerning Mr. Morris, and that because of the information provided there, he could not be a witness for the investigation. AUSA Wolf proudly referenced a CIA mug and stated that she purchased some CIA “swag” at the gift shop while she was there.

It is unclear how the CIA became aware that Mr. Morris was a potential witness in the Hunter Biden investigation and why agents were not told about the meeting in advance or invited to participate. It is a deviation of normal investigative processes for prosecutors to exclude investigators from substantive meetings such as this.

It is a testament to the level of bias in the mainstream media that this story is not the sole focus of every media outlet in America. Imagine if the CIA intervened to stop an investigation into a donor maintaining one of the Trump children and supporting his effort to blunt any investigation into corruption. MSNBC would make it ongoing special programming with its own time slot.

This is an agency that is supposed to avoid domestic interventions into politics as well as other areas. It is accused of pulling in a prosecutor to tell her to close part of a criminal investigation involving the financial supporter of the president’s son. Even if Morris was an asset, the question is why shut down the inquiry into his payments to Hunter Biden. The work of Morris with the CIA could be protected or redacted. Instead, the line of inquiry was shut off and Wolf reportedly left Langley with CIA swag and an empty bag of evidence.

In A Culture Full of Sam Smiths, Christianity Is the Real Subversion



Sam Smith and other dancers in "Unholy" music video

Hollywood is in desperate need of new ideas. Take Sunday’s Grammy Awards, for example. If there were ever a spectacle that could simultaneously be described as demonic and trite, it would be Sam Smith’s performance of “Unholy,” which rang the final death knell for the satanic-ritual-as-art trope.

As Federalist contributor Isabelle Rosini wrote, it was as boring as it was unoriginal. Stiletto-clad devils? Latex pants? Whips? Women in cages? Bursts of flame to signify — in case it wasn’t clear enough — that Smith was singing from the pit of hell? “Been there, done that,” artists ranging from Lil Nas X to Lady Gaga would say.

And it all fell flat. Despite the media’s attempts at running interference — with all the typical Republicanspounce framing — the awards show was decidedly uninteresting, and this points to a broader crisis within the arts world itself. There is nothing it can produce that will shock the American public, quasi-satanic orgies and all.

Modern American culture has become a willing collaborator to the arts world — from Hollywood to the Oval Office, from TikTok to the public school classroom — thanks to the ascendancy of leftist orthodoxy in cultural and political institutions. Art can no longer be subversive once the political and broader media establishments espouse its values, whether those be sexual perversion or anti-religious bigotry.

Thus art has ceased to be interesting or subversive. Instead, the arts world and the establishment have merged — First Lady Jill Biden presented at the award show after all — producing mediocre content according to its tastes. If art wants to become subversive again, it must reject the values most prized by our modern culture. It must discard the idols of the left, from sexual deviancy to bitter racism. It must trash wokeness. Until it comes up with a fresh message, expect a continued mass exodus.

Reactionaries who really want to buck establishment tastes are congregating not in an art museum or mosh pit — but, ironically, at church. As Julia Yost described last summer in an op-ed for The New York Times titled “New York’s Hottest Club Is the Catholic Church,” pandemic-weary Manhattanites have rebelled against leftist orthodoxy by embracing traditional morality and the Catholic Church:

By 2020, the year of lockdowns and Black Lives Matter protests, progressivism had come to feel hegemonic in the social spaces occupied by young urban intellectuals. Traditional morality acquired a transgressive glamour. Disaffection with the progressive moral majority — combined with Catholicism’s historic ability to accommodate cultural subversion — has produced an in-your-face style of traditionalism. This is not your grandmother’s church — and whether the new faithful are performing an act of theater or not, they have the chance to revitalize the church for young, educated Americans.

Comedian Tim Dillon has noticed the same phenomenon. “All the cool kids now are unwoke and some of them are going back to Christianity because it’s the only way to be rebellious — because everybody’s blue-haired, non-binary, talking about piss orgies,” Dillon said in a recent interview with podcaster Joe Rogan.


Being woke is not cool anymore. Religious kids are now considered the rebellious ones

♬ Joe Rogan X Tim Dillion – The Limitless Brotherhood™

That to be “transgressive” in this day and age means attending church and rediscovering religious orthodoxy is quite the plot twist, but it’s encouraging for the West’s prospects. Let’s hope this trend continues, and that so-called artists like Sam Smith and his tired satanism shtick get the red, latex boot.

Victoria Marshall is a staff writer at The Federalist. Her writing has been featured in the New York Post, National Review, and Townhall. She graduated from Hillsdale College in May 2021 with a major in politics and a minor in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @vemrshll.

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Famous Trump Painter Redefines ‘Border Emergency’ with Newest Work

Reported By Ben Marquis | Published March 7, 2019 at 4:11pm  | Modified March 7, 2019 at 4:13pm

While much of the art world and entertainment industry leans decisively to the left, there are those among them who hold a more conservative ideology, and some of those are increasingly speaking out about their beliefs through the use of their own talents.

One of those is conservative artist Jon McNaughton, a Utah-based artist who over the years has painted a number of compelling portraits that were first exceptionally critical of former President Barack Obama and are now supportive of President Donald Trump.

McNaughton’s latest work of art centers around the current sharp divide between Trump, who aims to secure the nation by securing the southern border, and numerous prominent Democrats who have staunchly opposed and obstructed those efforts.

The painting is titled “National Emergency,” and it features a number of prominent Democrats standing atop a tattered American flag — while holding various flags representing other nations or groups — as the president looks sadly upon the lost doll of a little immigrant girl forced to make the dangerous and illicit cross-border journey into the U.S. … as a caravan of countless illegal migrants approach the border in the distance behind them.

In McNaughton’s description of the work, he wrote, “In my new painting, the Democrat establishment declares victory against President Trump as he announces a national emergency to secure the border. They proudly hold the flags they represent and cherish.

“Our politicians have become traitors to this country, in most cases they are more loyal to whichever country, lobbyist, corporation, or special interest group that will keep them in office and line their bank accounts. I’m sick of how they trample our flag and do not seek America’s interests first,” he continued.

McNaughton added, “Trump stands apart from them with his head bowed contemplating the state of our border situation. He sees a lost doll left behind by a little girl forced to make the dangerous journey. To not build the wall is to allow people on both sides of the border to suffer needlessly.”

As can be seen in the painting, McNaughton provided great detail in his representation of those who currently stand most opposed to his border security efforts, and shows by way of the flags they are holding where their interests lie, ahead of those of the American people.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is holding the flag of communist China, while Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren holds one for the European Union. They stand beside Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who are holding a Mexican flag together.

To the other side of Pelosi and Schumer stand failed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton with an Iranian flag and former President Obama with a United Nations flag.

In the background stands New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with a New York flag alongside Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, who hold up a Palestinian flag. California Reps. Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters can also been seen holding a California flag.

Meanwhile, a veritable horde of people are crossing through the desert toward the border in the far distance behind all of them, as the Democrats cheer about blocking Trump’s efforts to halt that flow of humanity.

President Trump made numerous efforts to reach out and negotiate with a Congress to find an agreeable solution to the ongoing crisis at the border, to no avail.

As a result of the decided lack of cooperation from Democrats, Trump finally fell back on congressionally authorized presidential powers to declare a national emergency to directly address the situation himself.

Of course, the Democrats are fighting that, too, and have refused to relent in their incessant opposition to everything done by Trump, up to and including stomping on the desires and interests of the American people who voted to elect the president that is so despised by the left.

This painting beautifully, if quite tragically, sums up the current situation in a rather stark, but necessary, manner.



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Ben Marquis is a writer who identifies as a constitutional conservative/libertarian. His focus is on protecting the First and Second Amendments. He has covered current events and politics for Conservative Tribune since 2014.

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