Perspectives; Thoughts; Comments; Opinions; Discussions

Monday, May 3, 2024

Top Stories
Arkansas Reports 0 Abortions as Abortion Ban Saves Babies
Catholic Bishops Sue Biden Rule Promoting Abortion: “Promoting Human Dignity Includes the Unborn”
Poll Shows Majority of Americans Supported Harrison Butker’s Pro-Life, Pro-Family Message
Southwest Airlines Defends Firing Stewardess for Her Pro-Life Beliefs

More Pro-Life News
Republicans Should Go After Democrats for Wanting Abortions Up to Birth
Biden Supports Abortions Up to Birth at Taxpayer Expense, He Must be Exposed
Supreme Court May Ban Mail Order Abortions, Protecting Women and Babies
Notre Dame Alumni Demand University Rescind Award Given to Joe Biden
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Arkansas Reports 0 Abortions as Abortion Ban Saves Babies

Catholic Bishops Sue Biden Rule Promoting Abortion: “Promoting Human Dignity Includes the Unborn”

Poll Shows Majority of Americans Supported Harrison Butker’s Pro-Life, Pro-Family Message

Southwest Airlines Defends Firing Stewardess for Her Pro-Life Beliefs

Republicans Should Go After Democrats for Wanting Abortions Up to Birth

Biden Supports Abortions Up to Birth at Taxpayer Expense, He Must be Exposed

Supreme Court May Ban Mail Order Abortions, Protecting Women and Babies

Notre Dame Alumni Demand University Rescind Award Given to Joe Biden


Former Trump Spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany Will Headline Pro-Life Conference

WHO Promotes Teen Abortion as It Meets to Settle Pandemic Agreement

Faithful Christians Continue Fighting to Protect Babies From Abortion

Research Confirms 95.9% of Abortions are Killing Babies as Birth Control, Just .4% for Rape

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don’t have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Texas Supreme Court Protects Babies With Disabilities From Abortions

UK is Killing More Babies With Down Syndrome in Abortions

Joe Biden is the Least Popular President in 70 Years, Time for Him to Go

Joe Biden Puts Elderly Woman in Prison for 25 Months for Protesting Abortion

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