Perspectives; Thoughts; Comments; Opinions; Discussions

By Staff Writer | May 23, 2024


Joe Biden has been criticized for his policies and statements throughout the course of his long political career, but these criticisms have never been expressed as loudly or with such angst as they were yesterday in Lake Tahoe.

It appears that many people who attended the event were not impressed by what Biden had to say (not to mention how he has been flying the nation into a blackhole since day one) and felt it necessary to voice their displeasure with him publicly.

This isn’t the first time that Biden has faced criticism from ‘We, The People’.  He was harshly criticized for supporting certain trade agreements during his time as Vice President under Barack Obama’s administration and for backing certain foreign policy initiatives in Iraq and Afghanistan while he was in office. But yesterday’s boos seemed louder than any other criticism that he has received before.

It is possible that some of the attendees were members of President Trump’s base or supporters of Donald Trump Jr., both of whom have made no secret of their dislike for Joe Biden. However, I believe there may have been more to it than just political differences between Biden and some members of the crowd.

After all, there is no denying that Joe Biden has made some controversial decisions during his tenure in government over the past several decades.  The average American is living with the consequences of Joe’s terrible policies every day we roll out of bed.  Quite frankly, we are PISSED!

Hey Joe, if you don’t want to be booed stop trying to end the United States as we know it.  Get inflation under control, stop letting people secularize children, respect science … you get the idea.


It sure looks like America is now WIDE awake to the train wreck that is our 46th president.  If Joe runs again and the media tries to tell us that he got more legal votes than Obama did during his two elections for POTUS or Trump did … remember these clips, factor in how many people you have met who support Biden and you’ll realize something does not compute …

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