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Three GOP lawmakers are pushing legislation that would have the U.S. completely withdraw from the United Nations and cut off all funding to the globalist organization. Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, and Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama are pushing the proposal, which would put the kibosh on U.S. ties to the U.N. and affiliated entities, including the World Health Organization.

“The UN doesn’t deserve one single dime of American taxpayer money or one bit of our support; we should defund it and leave immediately. I am proud to lead this critical effort alongside Mike Lee and Mike Rogers,” Roy said, according to a press release.

“No more blank checks for the United Nations. Americans’ hard-earned dollars have been funneled into initiatives that fly in the face of our values –enabling tyrants, betraying allies, and spreading bigotry,” Lee said, according to the press release. “With the DEFUND Act, we’re stepping away from this debacle. If we engage with the UN in the future, it will be on our terms, with the full backing of the Senate and an iron-clad escape clause.”

While conservatives would hail the prospect of the U.S. completely ditching the U.N., the legislation likely has no chance of advancing through Congress, as many lawmakers would probably oppose the idea of U.S. withdrawal.

“The President shall terminate all membership by the United States in the United Nations, and in any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations,” the text of the measure reads in part.

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