Perspectives; Thoughts; Comments; Opinions; Discussions

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Top Stories
Ohio Passes Issue 1 to Allow Killing Babies in Abortions Up to Birth
Ohio Exit Poll on Abortion Way Out of Step With National Polling Data
Trump Leads Biden in Polls Despite Biden Spending Millions on TV Ads
Glenn Youngkin Slams Democrats for Promoting Abortions Up to Birth

More Pro-Life News
Mom Offered Abortion as She Went Into Labor Says No, Her Daughter is Doing Great Now
Thank You Tommy Tuberville for Standing Against Joe Biden’s Abortion Funding
Leftists Claim Christians Can Support Abortion, But the Bible Tells Us to “Choose Life”
CDC Confirms Women’s Mental Health Figures Improving After Roe Overturned
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Ohio Passes Issue 1 to Allow Killing Babies in Abortions Up to Birth


Ohio Exit Poll on Abortion Way Out of Step With National Polling Data

Trump Leads Biden in Polls Despite Biden Spending Millions on TV Ads

Glenn Youngkin Slams Democrats for Promoting Abortions Up to Birth


Mom Offered Abortion as She Went Into Labor Says No, Her Daughter is Doing Great Now


Thank You Tommy Tuberville for Standing Against Joe Biden’s Abortion Funding

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don’t have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Leftists Claim Christians Can Support Abortion, But the Bible Tells Us to “Choose Life”

CDC Confirms Women’s Mental Health Figures Improving After Roe Overturned


Late-Term Abortions Happen and They’re Done on Healthy Moms and Healthy Babies

Pro-Life Laws Confirm Reality: Mothers and Unborn Babies are Both Patients

Canada Will Legalize Euthanizing Drug Addicts

Iowa Abortions Increase as Heartbeat Law is Tied Up in Court and Can’t Save Babies

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don’t have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Kentucky Abortions Drop to 0 as Abortion Ban Starts Saving Babies

Joe Biden Fights in Court to Turn Emergency Rooms Into Abortion Centers

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin: Protecting Babies From Abortion is “Reasonable”

OBGYN: I’ve Never Met a Woman Who Regretted Giving Birth, I’ve Met Many Who Regretted Abortions

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