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Posts tagged ‘violent extremism’

Christian Haters to Advise Obama Admin on Domestic Terrorism

waving flagPosted by October 19, 2015

There is no doubt that in America, there are many who are calling good evil and evil good. At the top of that list is the Southern Poverty Law Center. Now, the SPLC wants to identify what they call “haters” on their little hate list for radicals in our society to target, whether they are individuals or organizations. Now they are teaming up with the corrupt and criminal Obama administration in order to advise the domestic terrorists in our government on violent extremism, and at the top of their list are Christians and patriots.of domenstic terrorist

While the SPLC targets individuals and organizations for speaking out against abortion, sodomy, Islam, the New Black Panthers Truth The New Hate Speechcalling them “haters,” all these groups are simply doing is speaking the truth on a particular subject. That’s called free speech, but apparently, the SPLC can’t stand the truth and so they engage in slander against a variety of people.

Now, the SPLC will be teaming up with the Obama Department of (in)Justice, led by Constitution violating Loretta Lynch and seek to track and coordinate investigations into “domestic terrorism.”

Previously, we reported that this announcement was made on October 14 by Assistant Attorney General John Carlin at George Washington University. While Carlin did mention Islam on two occasions in the speech, his emphasis was on “anti-government animus, eco-radicalism, and racism.”

“The new DT Counsel will not only help ensure that DT cases are properly coordinated but also will play a key role in our headquarters-level efforts to identify trends to help shape our strategy, and to analyze legal gaps or enhancements required to ensure we can combat these threats,” said Carlin.

Since when should the American people trust lying organizations like the SPLC to advise our government on anything? And, of course, Carlin is one who buys into the maligning and slander of the SPLC’s Mark Potock’s “hate groups.”

“The attorney general noted this summer that these kinds of hate crimes are the original domestic terrorism,” Carlin said. “Among domestic extremist movements in the United States, white supremacists are most violent. The Charleston shooter, who had a manifesto laying out a racist worldview, is just one example. His actions followed earlier deadly shooting sprees by white supremacists in Kansas, Wisconsin and elsewhere.”Picture1

Noticably missing from Mr. Carlin’s comments was how the SPLC was the primary source for sodomite supporting Floyd Lee Corkins II, who was heavily influenced by the SPLC website to the point where he took a gun and was attempting a mass murder at the Family Research Council in Washington, DC in August 2012. Fortunately, he was stopped by a guard that he shot or there would have been many dead in the wake of his shooting spree. However, we don’t hear a peep about this incident.

In fact, according to a statement of offense, which was consistent with Corkins statement to the FBI, “a subsequent search of Corkins’ family computer revealed that on the afternoon of Sunday, August 12, Corkins used the computer to visit the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website, as well as the websites for the FRC and the second organization on his handwritten list.”

Did the SPLC feel any responsibility for the lies they told by putting the FRC on a “hate list” and a target address for Corkins to attack? Nope, not one bit. In fact, the socialists and communists in our country attempted to justify the shooting!War on Christians

The SPLC has attacked such people as Ben Carson, Ann Coulter, Bradlee Dean and Pamela Geller, along with the Family Research Council and others. However, Carlin, instead of calling out the SPLC for their own brand of hate and lawlessness, praised them, claiming that they were an “important voice on the wide range of extremist groups throughout this country.” Partyof Deceit Spin and Lies

Yet, it was Family Research Council President Tony Perkins who wrote, “Is he (Carlin) serious? Were it not for an ordinary man showing extraordinary courage, an activist bent on massacring an office of innocent people might have succeeded in gunning down dozens of people at FRC. As prosecutors pointed out, this was no ordinary attack — but an act spurred on by the SPLC’s reckless ‘hate’ labeling. Now we’re supposed to believe that this same organization, the one that inspired Floyd Corkins to walk into our building and shoot Leo Johnson, is a legitimate ally in the fight against domestic terrorism? A trusted source in identifying the homegrown threats?”cp 11

“And despite the suffering and near casualties at FRC, SPLC refuses,” he wrote. “Obviously, the DOJ sees no problem with putting countless Americans at risk simply for participating in the political process and advocating for public policy consistent with their orthodox Christian beliefs.”

Perkins was not the only one who has pointed out the real danger SPLC poses to Christians in our land. According to a report from Liberty Counsel on the FRC shooting, “By falsely and recklessly labeling Christian ministries as ‘hate groups,’ the SPLC is directly responsible for the first conviction of a man who intended to commit mass murder targeted against a policy organization in Washington, D.C.

The SPLC sent letters to the DOJ and Homeland Security back in 2013 claiming that patriot groups pose a domestic terror threat. In other words, the SPLC is hostile towards members of the militia, which are a constitutionally authorized force (made up of ordinary Americans) to repel invasions and put down insurrections.

Keep in mind what Mr. Potok has stated in the open:

“Sometimes the press will describe us as monitoring hate crimes and so on…I want to say plainly that our aim in life is to destroy these groups, to completely destroy them.”—Mark Potok, director of intelligence at Southern Poverty Law Center.

We already know that the Obama administration is criminal. We also know who the real haters and domestic terrorists are, and the Southern Poverty Law Center is among the true domestic terrorists.In God We Trust freedom combo 2

STRONG CITIES NETWORK: Obama Admin and UN Just Announced a ‘Global Police Force’ to Fight ‘Violent Extremists’ in US Cities

Before you read the following, I need to remind you that this is coming from the Justice New WhatDidYouSay LogoDepartment’s arm of the “Great Leftist/Marxist/Socialist Propaganda Machine”. As you are ready, you will see the term “violent extremism” used a lot. Yet, there is NO MENTION OF WHO VIOLET EXTREMEIST ARE, OR THE ORGANIZATIONS TJHEY ARE ASSOCIATED WITH. So please read this with that filter in your mind’s eye, so you won’t be deceived.

This is a very dangerous action taking place. Remember this”

Obama List

How you and I define “extremism” is not how the mind of Leftist/Marxist/Socialist define “extremism”. Once in motion, THE U.N. CAN DETERMINE THAT ALL CHRISTIANS, THEIR DEFINITION, ARE THE MOST DANGEROUS AND WE  BECOME ENEMY NUMBER ONE. That that remind you of scripture? Can you say, “Anti-Christ”?

Also keep in mind the following:


What they say, is never what they mean. They are masters at manipulating the language to make Americans believe. In Addition, remember this from yesterday?

The Leftist Propagandist

They are consistent. Their determination to create a “ONE-WORLD-GOVERNMENT” has taken another step. So why hasn’t our Presidential Candidates brought this up? We need to ask them!

So, read on with this warning, and be armed when your Liberals friends, in-laws, out-laws and others try to convince you that this is a good thing.

Jerry Broussard of

Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs


Monday, September 28, 2015

Launch of Strong Cities Network to Strengthen Community Resilience Against Violent Extremism

Cities are vital partners in international efforts to build social cohesion and resilience to violent extremism.  Local communities and authorities are the most credible and persuasive voices to challenge violent extremism in all of its forms and manifestations in their local contexts.  While many cities and local authorities are developing innovative responses to address this challenge, no systematic efforts are in place to share experiences, pool resources and build a community of cities to inspire local action on a global scale.

“The Strong Cities Network will serve as a vital tool to strengthen capacity-building and improve collaboration,” said Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch.  “As we continue to counter a range of domestic and global terror threats, this innovative platform will enable cities to learn from one another, to develop best practices and to build social cohesion and community resilience here at home and around the world.”

The Strong Cities Network (SCN)  – which launches September 29th at the United Nations – will empower municipal bodies to fill this gap while working with civil society and safeguarding the rights of local citizens and communities.

The SCN will strengthen strategic planning and practices to address violent extremism in all its forms by fostering collaboration among cities, municipalities and other sub-national authorities.

“To counter violent extremism we need determined action at all levels of governance,” said Governing Mayor Stian Berger Røsland of Oslo while commenting on their participation in the SCN.  “To succeed, we must coordinate our efforts and cooperate across borders.  The Strong Cities Network will enable cities across the globe pool our resources, knowledge and best practices together and thus leave us standing stronger in the fight against one of the greatest threats to modern society.”

The SCN will connect cities, city-level practitioners and the communities they represent through a series of workshops, trainings and sustained city partnerships.  Network participants will also contribute to and benefit from an online repository of municipal-level good practices and web-based training modules and will be eligible for grants supporting innovative, local initiatives and strategies that will contribute to building social cohesion and resilience to violent extremism.

The SCN will include an International Steering Committee of approximately 25 cities and other sub-national entities from different regions that will provide the SCN with its strategic direction.  The SCN will also convene an International Advisory Board, which includes representatives from relevant city-focused networks, to help ensure SCN builds upon their work.  It will be run by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a leading international “think-and-do” tank with a long-standing track record of working to prevent violent extremism:

“The SCN provides a unique new opportunity to apply our collective lessons in preventing violent extremism in support of local communities and authorities around the world”, said CEO Sasha Havlicek of ISD.  “We look forward to developing this international platform for joint innovation to impact this pressing challenge.”

“It is with great conviction that Montréal has agreed to join the Strong Cities Network founders,” said the Honorable Mayor Denis Coderre of Montreal.  “This global network is designed to build on community-based approaches to address violent extremism, promote openness and vigilance and expand upon local initiatives like Montréal’s Mayors’ International Observatory on Living Together.  I am delighted that through the Strong Cities Network, the City of Montréal will more actively share information and best practices with a global network of leaders on critical issues facing our communities.”

The Strong Cities Network will launch on Sept. 29, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. EDT, following the LeadersSummit on Countering ISIL and Violent Extremism.  Welcoming remarks will be offered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein and Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City, who will also introduce a Keynote address by U.S. Attorney General Lynch.  Following this event, the Strong Cities International Steering Committee, consisting of approximately 25 mayors and other leaders from cities and other sub-national entities from around the globe, will hold its inaugural meeting on Sept. 30, 2015, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT.

For more information, please visit [external link] or contact Sabine Barton via email at:

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or telephone: +44 207 493 9333+44 207 493 9333.


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