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Posts tagged ‘Debra Bowen’

Can You Say, “Praise The Lord”?

One more example of how God uses what, and whom He chooses to get His will done. Celebrate with us as you read the following report.

Jerry Broussard

Three Star LineLast-Resistance-Header-5

Effort to Put CA Coed Bathroom Bill on Ballot Thwarted by County Politicians

Posted By on Mar 7, 2014

coed bathroom bill

Last year, California passed a controversial bill that has become known as the Bathroom Bill.  The bill states that anyone, especially students, who claim to be transgender, may choose to use the bathroom of whatever sex they identify with regardless of their true anatomical gender.  The bill not only allows for the use of whatever sex bathroom they choose, but also locker rooms and participation in sports.That means that any teenage boy being controlled by his raging hormones can claim to be a transgendered person who thinks he’s a girl and he will have legal access to use the girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms.  He will be legally allowed to gratify his sexual lusts by watching the girls undress, shower and then get redressed.  He’ll also be legally allowed to flaunt his male anatomy in front of all of the girls and no one can stop him.  A month or so later, he can recant his transgender status and go back to being a sex crazed teenaged boy.

The bill was pushed through the California legislature by gay rights activists who insist that the rights of one LGBT person should trump the rights of thousands of normal people.  They have no concern about the rights of all of the other students who find it sinful and repulsive to be exposed to a pervert or the pervert exposing himself to them.

In January I reported about a petition drive that was launched to place the Bathroom Bill on the general ballot in November.  However, two counties, Tulare and Mono, failed to process the petitions within the 90 day time limit.  The Pacific Justice Institute filed a lawsuit against the county registrars and Debra Bowen, California Secretary of State, asking that the signatures be counted and included in the drive to put the measure on the ballot because they were delivered prior to the deadline.

To get the initiative on the ballot, Privacy for All Students needed 504,760 valid signatures.  The Secretary of State’s office invalidated 131,857 signatures that left the initiative a mere 17,276 signatures short of getting it on the November ballot.  Privacy for All Students was granted permission to review the rejected signatures, but some counties in the state are blocking those efforts.

Gena Gleason of Privacy for All Students told OneNewsNow:

“Until now, the process has been done in secret.  We have not had any access to any of the procedures that the counties have used, and so now that the count has been finalized, we have the opportunity to go into each of the counties and take a look at the signatures that were invalidated.”

It seems that gay activists have successfully infiltrated some county governments and are doing everything possible to prevent Privacy from reviewing their invalidating process and the signatures they turned down.  Until the issue of the Privacy for All Students referendum is resolved, California’s Bathroom Bill – AB 1266 – has been put on hold.

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