Perspectives; Thoughts; Comments; Opinions; Discussions

waving flagCommentary By Adina Kutnicki  — July 6, 2015

URL of the original posting site:


Have your kids begun being introduced to praying to Allah? PATRIOTS, hang onto your last meal, you may just feel the need to vomit after you read the following contents.

THIS is precisely what I have been warning about at various venues, including at Joe For America. HOLD on tight…and even tighter to your kiddies!01

LIKE night follows day, how many times, how many ways, has this site warned about the creeping encroachment of Islam via Shariah Law’s mandates within America, as well as the west in toto? Enumerable. But before we get to the complete encirclement of the kiddies, certain rehashes are necessary. Building blocks.

NOW, it is not as if “The Plan” is news to dedicated readers, however, countless are in the dark about its existence. Its basis. It is this document which spells out how Americans have become increasingly de-sensitized to Islamic indoctrination, and the stealth methods used to effectuate its underpinnings.

Adina Kutnicki: Indeed, let’s, as a first stop, hop aboard our Inquisitor journey with “The Plan”. At its core, “The Plan” is a detailed blueprint, one which the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood adheres to – and augments as necessary – to infiltrate and penetrate the west, but most intrinsically they are targeting America, the “Great Satan”. It is the main linchpin to the west’s fall. “The Plan’s” basic goals are described thusly:

Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.

Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.

Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.Muslims in the White House Administration

Editor’s Note: One of the hot spots of conversion to Islam is America’s extensive system of prisons.

Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.

Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).

While each phase has many subsections and takes years to implement, the fact of the matter is that their goals have been ongoing for decades. They are rapidly, stealth-fully bearing fruit.

Editors note: The following statement revealing the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for America was found in an internal Brotherhood document and presented into evidence during the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trials in 2007 and 2008.

“The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and by the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

INDEED, additional stops on your journey can be found here….and some are housed inside the video. Highly recommended viewing.

YES, the above Obama-vomit is part and parcel of the Brotherhood Mafia’s plan, and it cements (some of) the pieces together – Islam’s forward march! STEP by step along this nauseous path – sorry for that – the lessons learned at these pages are ongoing and wholly supportable via a highly developed knowledge base, in tandem with access to a network of “experts among experts.” Remember that.

IN this regard, once again, heed the following warning: America’s kiddies are in grave danger! As repeatedly assessed:

SEVERAL warnings were blared but the following sets the stage: Obama Inc. funnels taxpayer revenues to Islamize kiddies. This is transpiring inside America and beyond its borders!

INDEED, housed under the guise of Common Core are lesson plans which ‘innocuously’ slide in the ‘exemplary’ and “benign” aspects of Islam. These plans are usually found within the social studies and English curriculum’s, but not exclusively so. One example (out of countless) is more than instructive, relative to the underlying goal of indoctrination.


Parents in Farmville, North Carolina want to know why their children were given a Common Core vocabulary assignment in an English class that promoted the Prophet Muhammad and the Islamic faith …continue reading here

AS predicted – and in the same manner in which Europe is always the forerunner to western civilization’s (incremental) demise – Eurabia’s leaders are whole hog into Islam as the continent’s de facto religion, despite any jibber jabber to the contrary. Consequentially, its Christian public school children are being FORCED to submit to (pagan) Allah! Cause and effect.

SCOTLAND: Glasgow public (state) school forces Christian students to recite Islamic prayers and perform Wudu (ritual washing) at a mosque

Why is there no follow-up about parental outrage and threats of legal action against the school that arranged this? Muslim students are NEVER forced to go on similar field trips to churches or synagogues.


HEAD spinning. Heart stopping. Western civilization’s death throes!

muslim-obamaEVEN so, we are not done yet. As always, Shariah Law’s encroachment (whatever the western locale) is both subtle – stealth jihad-like – and unrelenting. Hence, “accommodations” to “refugees” is the next step/stop, but no one should be foolish enough to believe that it wasn’t planned in advance. Again, coming to a U.S. school near you. Count on it.

A school in Bavaria has sent a letter home to parents warning them not to let their daughters wear revealing blouses or short skirts, because emergency accommodation for refugees has been set up next to the gym.

A week ago emergency accommodation for 200 Syrian refugees was erected right next to the gym of Wilhelm-Diess-Gymnasium in Pocking, Bavaria, Die Welt reports. The gym has been closed as a result, and PE lessons have been relocated to a nearby primary school, but the school is still worried about the refugees interacting with students.

So worried in fact that the headteacher recently sent out a letter to parents to give reassurance about extra security measures. “For the refugees, access to the school gardens and buildings is strictly forbidden. The same goes for the school grounds during the day. The number of teachers on duty during breaks has been increased,” read the letter from head teacher Martin Thalhammer. The letter goes on to give students instructions on how to deal with the situation:

“The Syrian citizens are mainly Muslims and speak Arabic. The refugees are marked by their own culture. Because our school is directly next to where they are staying, modest clothing should be adhered to, in order to avoid discrepancies. Revealing tops or blouses, short shorts or miniskirts could lead to misunderstandings.”America are you paying attention

The letter has not been met favourably by some parents, but a local politician, who did not want to be named, told Die Welt the move was “absolutely necessary”. “When Muslim teenage boys go to open air swimming pools, they are overwhelmed when they see girls in bikinis,” he said. “These boys, who come from a culture where for women it is frowned upon to show naked skin, follow girls and bother them without realizing. Obviously this is concerning for us,” he continued.Picture5

The move by the school has caused a lot of discussion, and Thalhammer has received queries from all over the media, reports the Passauer Neue Presse. “There have never been uniform rules at this school and there never will be.” He said. “It is my duty to look after the children. Therefore I wanted to inform everyone about what is going on at school and what the gym is being used for.” “It was my responsibility to remind everyone that two cultures are coming together here,” he continued.Islam is NOT

UNDERSTOOD? And despite the headmaster’s nonsensical rhetoric, “there have never been uniform rules at this school and there never will be”, the fact remains that he did order the female students to dress modestly, so that Syrian Muslim male “refugees” wouldn’t get all riled up: “revealing tops or blouses, short shorts or miniskirts could lead to misunderstandings.”insane

MOST significantly, instead of the so-called “refugees” being forced to integrate into their host country, the converse is true. Yes, the native population MUST now accommodate them! Is this rational within any non-submitted society? Of course not.Why

IF all of the above appears too fantastical, alas, preferring to believe that FORCING Islamic prayer upon America’s kiddies could never happen – despite many proofs housed in this site – so be it. But you would do well to take off your (mental) blinders before it is too late. Post haste. Forthwith. Forewarned.

IN this regard, just revert back to pre HUSSEIN Obama’s coronation, and search your heart of hearts for what you never thought could happen within the heretofore land of the free, the home of the brave. Resultant, did you ever conceive that gay “marriage” would become the law of the land, in a country built upon Christian and Jewish foundations? Did you believe that citizens would essentially be FORCED to buy any product, let alone health insurance via Obamacare…aka Hitlercare? Did you ever have a nightmare that a global trade agreement – one which DE FACTO gives up America’s sovereignty to foreign (corp) players – would become America’s reality ala the EU? Believe it!

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BOTTOM LINE: are you still a disbeliever? On the other hand, have you woken up from dreamland and properly assessed America’s nightmare? Either way, U.S. kiddies are primed to bow to Allah, and this site has already proven it “six ways to Sunday”….er, should it now be known as “six ways to Friday” in “deference” to Islam?

WESTERN lights (almost) out!

muslim-obama against America Obama Muslim collection freedom combo 2


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