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Tyrant Obama

Written by Pete Parker on June 30, 2014

Despite the endless accolades that have been bestowed upon one Barack Hussein Obama concerning his so-called coolness, brilliance and magnanimity–he is nothing more than a calculating and cunning Islamic tyrant.

ConfusedYou read it correctly: Islamic tyrant.

His chilling propensity to not only flout the Constitution with every breath he takes–but to also impose Sharia on the citizens of this great nation is beyond the realm of treachery.

Lest we forget: It was Obama who–while delivering a speech to the United Nations General Assembly in 2012– brazenly uttered the following: “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet Mohammed.”

This declaration was not only a strident assault on one our most cherished rights (free speech)–but it was also an implementation of Sharia which strictly prohibits even the most benign critique of Islam’s prophet.

Manifestly, such a statement could only emanate from a self-absorbed despot whose allegiance is with Muslims and their convoluted, Koranic doctrine.

But, of course–we received a full dose of Obama’s allegiance when (in 2009) he went to Cairo and genuflected at the feet of the Muslim Brotherhood while profusely apologizing for the many “mistakes” America has made.

Obama defending muslimsAnd just last week Obama was seeking yet another $500 million to further arm the rebels in Syria. You remember the rebels–don’t you? It’s that horde of  Koran-carrying, Islamic thugs who rape, pillage and cannibalize Christians on a daily basis.

Sadly, with a spineless (and truth be told ballless) Republican led House that out of trepidation refuses to pull impeachment out of its quiver–Obama has no reason to halt his tyranny.

From unilaterally changing such laws as Welfare Reform and the Affordable Care Act–to carrying out the Taliban Five exchange without notifying congress–Obama is a rogue on a rampage.

G-d save us!

One hundred years from now–if history is accurately recorded–Barack Hussein Obama will be as know as America’s first Islamic Tyrant.

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Cloward Pevin with explanation

obama-CPUSA “Communist Party United States of America

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